The Community Family Support Progaramme is now moving to remote / digital support to combat the spread of COVID 19.

The team is still here to support the new and current participants career goals with a mix of WELLBEING and EMPLOYABILITY support.

Remote / Digital support

Facetime Support.
Access to quality certificated online training.
Phone Support providing one to one advice & guidance from Family and Career mentors.
Tutor support packages can be delivered/emailed to participant address.
Create or improve your CV via tutor support.

Family Support 

At a time like this families can face multiple barriers including social isolation, financial stress and low confidence. The teams family mentor will make the right referrals for participants depending on the barrier they may face.

Referrals to support agencies i.e. food banks.
Guidance/support following schools closures offering links to educational resources.
Confidence building sessions
Tips for parents on how to communicate effectively with their child about COVID-19.

Additional support for parents such as information on grant schemes, food vouchers, telephone counselling for improved mental and emotional health can all help improve family relations during this worrying and isolating time.

Employment support.

We realise that the local stores are facing a higher demand for new employees than ever before.

Our career support focuses on what participants will need to do to get the jobs that are currently hiring.

Create or improve CV
Job Search supported by career mentors.
Access to online learning
Interview preparation

PM or call 028 7138 2260 to hear what support the CFSP team can offer you.

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