George is a participant on the FCWP and for the past 2 years has been working for the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum as a Physical Health Facilitator.

“During my time at the Health Forum, I have delivered a wide range of exercise and well-being programmes to a varied audience of school children to older people. One of the programmes I am involved in is the Stepping On Falls Prevention Programme which, is delivered to older people 65+ who have experienced a fall or who have a fear of falling. The programme takes them through an exercise called Otago, which I deliver, to help them strengthen their balance while building on their confidence. I have delivered this programme to over 350 people throughout Derry City teaching them techniques and giving them information on falls that will help them continue to live independently.

Another programme I am involved in is the Cycling Club. I attended a four-day course in Manchester with Bike Right to which I am awaiting my final assessment, which will enable me to deliver the level 1, 2 and 3 in cycling. I am actively involved in the new cycle routes in Derry .

I am grateful to Foyle Community Works for the opportunities they have provided me with over the last 2 years as well as the help and support to build on my personal development for the future”.

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